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Cambridge Univ. Press
Selected as One of The Guardian's Best Books of 2018
Op-eds by the Authors
Whatever - "The Big Idea: Brett Frischmann"
Scientific American - "Electronic Contracts and the Illusion of Consent"
Scientific American - "Is Smart Technology Making Us Dumb?"
Stanford Center for Internet and Society - "The Promise and Peril of Personalization"
Scientific American - "How Personalization Leads to Homogeneity"
The Economist (Interview) - "Is Technology Re-Engineering Humanity?"
Scientific American - "There's Nothing Wrong with Being a Luddite"
Scientific American - "The Misleading Power of Internet Metaphors"
Scientific American - "Algorithm and Blues: The Tyranny of the Coming Smart-Tech Utopia"
Scientific American - "How Facebook Programmed our Relatives"
Medium - "Facebook Fabricates Trust Through Fake Intimacy"
Digital Trends (Interview) - "Technology makes our lives easier, but is it at the cost of our humanity?"
LinkedIn (Interview) - "Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Humanity's Future"
Medium - "Mocking Congress Won't Make It Tech Literate"
The Guardian - "Here's why tech companies abuse our data: because we let them"
Medium - "Will Tech Companies Ever Take Ethics Seriously?"
New York Daily News - "Fixing the Facebook Problem Requires a Massive Culture Shift"
Medium - "Can We Be Friends with Robots?"
Motherboard - "How Self-Driving Car Policy Will Determine Life, Death, and Everything In-Between"
Italian Version: "Tra vita e morte: come le auto driverless sceglieranno le vittime degli incidenti"
Medium - "My Phone Wants Me to Say 'Thank You'"
Medium - "Can Bots Help Us Deal With Grief?​"
Salon - "Your NCAA Bracket Is a Reverse Turing Test"
Medium - "This Robot Knows How To Trick You"
Medium - "We Don't Need Robots That Resemble Humans"
Medium - "Should We Respect Our Robots?"
Medium - "Should We Root for Robot Rights?"
The American Journal of Bioethics - "Algorithmic Bloodhounds"
Stanford Center for Internet and Society Blog - "Why the FCC Should Prevent ISPs From Micromanaging our Lives"
The Guardian - "Robots have already taken over our work, but they're made of flesh and bone"
​ - "Why you should care about net neutrality"
Recode - "We need our platforms to put people and democratic society ahead of cheap profits"
The Guardian - "Why it's dangerous to outsource our critical thinking to computers"
The Guardian - "Will the internet of things result in predictable people?"
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